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Fuel Saving Solutions

The road to decarbonization need not be a daunting, overwhelming one. It’s been said that every journey starts with a single step and SMS Equipment is here to help you on your way. We can assist you in leveraging a host of available operational solutions that will not only improve onsite efficiencies, they will also contribute greatly to the Net-Zero long game.

Get stingy with fuel. Your bottom line — and the environment — will thank you for it.
Autonomous Haulage Systems

Autonomous haulage solutions that maximize efficiency and productivity, thereby reducing overall fuel consumption.

Discover AHS Technology
Intelligent Machine Control (IMC)
GNSS-based machine control that uses automation and cutting-edge 3D modeling to minimize over- or under-cutting on jobsites, resulting in the highest levels of productivity.

Learn more about integrated machine technologies

Engine efficiency solutions that can dramatically reduce fuel consumption, both by operating machinery at the optimum RPM range and by shutting down the engine after a pre-set length of idling time to reduce emissions and extend service life.

View the economizer in action
Intelligent compaction systems for asphalt compactors that optimize the number of passes, enhancing fuel economy while reducing CO2 emissions and equipment wear.

Get Smarter with Compaction

Smart Construction Solutions

While maximizing the effectiveness of your equipment is key to boosting onsite efficiency, reducing operating costs and helping the bottom line, it is also a huge step toward decarbonization. At SMS Equipment, we’ve partnered with Komatsu and other major OEMs to bring you a range of solutions, each designed to help you transition (or continue your transition) into the job site of tomorrow.

Contact SMS Equipment today — it’s the ”Smart” thing to do.
SMS Equipment Support for IMC

SMS Employee Remotely Supporting Smart Construction Customers

Intelligent machines continue to become the solution of choice on jobsites worldwide. As they do, we meet that evolution with the level of support our customers have come to expect. One component of that effort is the IMC Support Package which provides users of IMC machines an added level of support for that new technology. Remote location? No problem. The package is available regardless of location.

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Smart Construction Remote

Remotely send information to machines

As today’s workloads continue to grow, one of the biggest challenges has become efficiently managing the fleets working them. Getting to each site can involve hours on the road and lost productivity. Enter Smart Construction Remote. This cloud-based, job site monitoring solution allows users to remotely update files/firmware, perform remote diagnostics and see what the operator is seeing in real time. Downtime is reduced while productivity soars.

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Smart Construction Dashboard

Smart Construction Dashboard

The data generated by todays intelligent machines has an often-underutilized potential. The Smart Construction Dashboard from SMS Equipment allows users to see that data — and use it — in a range of varied ways, fully tapping its potential. Formats such as 3D digital designs, aerial mapping info, and intelligent machine data can all be leveraged to better visualize what’s occurring onsite and to plan for future activity.

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Smart Construction 3D Machine Guidance

Retrofit Excavator with Smart Construction Technology

If you like the new smart technology but are not quite ready for a full equipment upgrade, SMS Equipment has you covered there as well. Our Smart Construction 3D Machine Guidance solution, an affordable 3D guidance kit, provides an easy and affordable way to tap into — and benefit from — the power of today’s 3D-based advantages while still using conventional machines. Better grading and excavation performance is a Retrofit away. 

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The Power of Data

“Smart” technology is continuing to make huge inroads on today’s job sites — the links below provide a look at just some of the major OEMs offering advanced solutions. As this growth progresses, users are discovering that its benefits extend well beyond the obvious upticks in efficiency and productivity. For every bucket of dirt moved, cross-section of road paved, underground shaft remotely worked, a treasure trove of data is being generated. The value of that data, when used to its full potential, can rival that of the product’s performance itself itself. 

With a team of professionals well-versed in the inner workings of industry’s smart tech, SMS Equipment can provide the ideal solutions and the expertise to effectively “mine” your data, revealing its true value and putting it to work for you. With that info at your disposal, you can, among other things, better optimize your assets, track their usage and make smarter, more informed decisions. It can also prove invaluable in identifying — or heading off — problematic issues. And, because the approaches to data gathering and usage can differ so greatly, we can also help set up an infrastructure designed to ensure that the value of the data is maximized in the right areas of your operation. 

Strength in numbers has never been truer.

All-inclusive Komatsu Solutions Portal

MyKomatsu ties your machine operation and health information directly to the parts you need, when you need them.


Real-time access to all equipment data

With KOMTRAX, you will have real-time remote access to all your equipment data, wherever your job site is located.


Service, right when it suits you!

Full transparency at all time for your machine fleet with the new BOMAG TELEMATIC app for PC, iOS and Android devices.

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Monitor health & minimize costly repairs

Takeuchi Fleet Management
Takeuchi Fleet Management checks the health of Takeuchi equipment and minimizes costly repair calls with real-time machine information.

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